Meal Time

Let Mealtime Be Messy

messy eater

Well that escalated quickly! If you see this picture above a cringe a little, then this post is for you!

I have to admit, when Wes first started solids and purees, it took everything out of me to not sit there after every bite and wipe his whole body down. Now that he is self-feeding and learning to use utensils, FORGET IT! A lot times I don’t even bother with the bib and plop him in right the tub after his meal.

When your child is ready for solids, it can be such a fun but MESSY time. It has always been ingrained in me from the numerous family/parent educations I have taught, that “mess is best.” Easier said that done right?


How to Avoid the Mess?

Seriously? Scrolling through the internet I see so many articles that say “How to avoid a messy mealtime” and “steps to making mealtime less of a mess.” Don’t get me wrong, I think investing in a good bib or even a splat mat to go under the high chair is a given but some of these tips really make me scratch my head!

Opt for mess-free food. No no and no! Meal time is such an important time for children to explore their senses. They need to be able to experience food in all forms; liquids, purees, and solids. Restricting certain foods because they are messy could lead to picky eating and food aversions.

Clean up as you go– like I said earlier, it is very tempting to clean as you go. I don’t know about your kiddo but if I go anywhere near Wes’ face with a napkin, wipe, or tissue, he screams like he is being chased my a great white shark! This leads to a negative interruption in meal time. Also, if you are busy focusing on cleaning, you are also missing out on the joy they get when they try a new food they like and the funny faces they make when they hate it. Clean later, enjoy the moment!

Feeding outside – Oh my goodness. If you are going to a bbq, fine eat outside. To use this as a tactic to keep your kitchen clean seems crazy to me!

Food pouches – Okay so many may disagree, but I don’t like these. I am all about convenience, but I feel like they are not learning practical motor skills by sucking on a tube of purees. If you are offering purees, offer with a spoon so they can learn traditional techniques they will use their whole lives.


Benefits to Messy Eating:


  • Playing with food is one of the ways children develop their fine motor skills – they are learning grasping techniques as well as gaining coordination of their arms and hands.
  • Studies have shown playing with unfamiliar foods can peek interest in tasting new foods, leading to less picky eating behaviors.
  • They are exploring shapes, colors, and textures as well as learning different properties of food such as taste, smell, look, and touch.


As hard as it is sometimes, I make the effort to embrace the blueberries smooshed in his highchair, leaving big blue stains on his jeans, the bananas that he decided to squish in his hands and then rub in his hair, and the beautiful yogurt painting he left on the table. As you can see in the pictures, he is having the time of his life! Remember, your responsiveness matters. Embrace the mess and keep meal time relaxed and fun!


Useful Mealtime Finds


  • Splat Mats– These waterproof mats are placed under the highchair for easy clean-up. They are also great for arts and craft time!


  • Silicone Place mats– I LOVE these place mats! They stick right to the table and have the cutest little shapes. We have dinosaurs for Wes. It makes meal time so much fun! I have tried the suction cup bowls. They are nice, but they tend to lose their stick and can sometimes get warped. If a suction bowl comes off the table in my house, it is going right on the ground!


  • Silicone Bibs- These bibs are waterproof and also have a pocket to catch the crumbs! Your dog may be upset, but it is definitely good for cleaning.


  • Training Utensils – These utensils are easier to grasp and have a choke guard for piece of mind. I love these for beginners.


  • Hook-on High Chair – I recommend this to everyone! We love this because is saves so much room and can be attached right to the table that you are having your meal at. It is great for traveling and restaurants as well!


Let me know your thoughts! Any funny meal time stories you have to share??

-Hungry Momma

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